We had so much fun celebrating our First Christmas as Husband and Wife! This year we went down to Bamberg, SC and spent Christmas Day with Jeremy's parents. It was so much fun! We played Christmas Trivia Games, played Christmas music on the piano, watched Christmas movies, and we got to go and see the Christmas Lights in Orangeburg. It was a little weird not seeing my Mom on Christmas morning but Mama and Papa Fudge made me feel so included in their traditions that the day just flew by because of all the fun we had.

Me and Jeremy 2011
Jeremy took his job as Santa's Elf very seriously.
The Beautiful Dining Table. We had a GREAT meal! We had spiced apple onion pork chops, shrimp cocktails, duck with cranberry sauce (homemade by Mama Fudge), rice, collard greens, and creamed corn. For dessert Mama Fudge made a chocolate orange torte that was OUT OF THIS WORLD! Jeremy and I brought Christmas Poppers so that is where all the party hats came from.
It was such a great day! We got back to Columbia just in time to go to my Grandfather's to see and visit with everybody there. Then after that Jeremy and I went over to my Mom and Dad's and exchanged presents there too! I'm so happy we got to spend time with all of the people we love and hold dear to our hearts.
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