1. Putting engagement announcements in the paper is very frustrating and expensive! I had no idea!! The only paper that was easy was the one in Bamberg (free and no hassle). Jeremy's dad called me today and told me that our announcement was in the paper today! I'm so excited to see it!! Mrs. Fudge said she is going to mail one to me as soon as possible. I'll try to take a picture or try to find a link to post on here. But the other papers are so expensive and I have not heard from anyone else. I'm just waiting for quotes for prices!! ugg... see? frustrating.
2. I have my first dress fitting on Saturday!!! I'm super duper extremely excited about it!! I did not make my goal weight, but I'm very proud of myself for losing 15lbs. :) I'm really not that worried about the weight thing, I figure I'm going to be in a full skirt plus I got this corset like thing to wear too. So now I'm just going to focus on continuing to eat right and work more heavily on my arms and upper back (since people will see that). Oh, and there is a BIG difference between using 5lb weights and 8lb weights. lol.
3. Mom and I are going to meet with Jeremy's cake's baker on the 16th! I'm so excited to see the sketches for this cake. It's going to be AWESOME!!! Arrrrrggghhh. Pirates Ahoy!
4. I got all the guest lists from everybody! And wow, there are alot more people than I thought. We were talking about having about 150 people, but by the end of counting all the people, we are going to invite about 215 people. But this is also good news! Now we know how many invitations to order and we can give the caterer a better idea of how many people we will have.
5. Invitations: I Love the invitations we picked out! I think they are going to be beautiful! They have everything I wanted: a bow, a monogram, and PURPLE ink!! Jeremy even picked out the monogram! :) I can't wait to see them!
6. The Food: Okay, I love my dad very much, but he is super going overboard with this department! I don't even know what the budget is anymore! We were going to save some money by having a bar with beer, wine and two signiture drinks. Well, Dad decided he didn't like that and now we are going to have a full bar. LOL! We've started looking at the menus and I still have to email Mr. Dupre to set up a meeting but I think this will definitely be Daddy and Jeremy's favorite part of wedding planning.
7. Flower Girl and Ring Bearer: I picked out the dresses that they are going to wear! They are sooo cute!!! (see picture) They are going to be a light pink with purple flowers! I think they are going to be adorable!!!!!! :) 
Well, that's really all I can think of at the moment. Jeremy and I are watching TRON! (the new one) and I'm getting a little distracted. Until next time!! Same Bat Show, Same Bat Channel! :)
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