First, I hope everyone has a Wonderful and Happy Thanksgiving on Thursday!
I want to use this post to share just a few things that I am thankful for this year:
1. I am very thankful for my wonderful Husband. Jeremy is the man of my dreams. He is always there for me, loves me no matter what, listens to all my stories (no matter how many times he has heard them before), encourages me when I'm having a bad day, and is always looking out for me. I Love you Jeremy Fudge!

2. I am thankful for my wonderful family! I don't know what I would do or where I would be without my Mom, Dad, and Little Brother Jamie. Y'all are the best!

3. I am thankful for my new family! I absolutely LOVE my in-laws! They are so much fun to be around and we have so much in common it is insane! I am so happy and feel very blessed that I can officially call them family now.

4. I am very thankful for the roof over my head and the food in my refrigerator.
5. I am very thankful for all of my friends. I love knowing that I can call and talk to them whenever I need them and I hope they know that I would do the same for them too!
6. I am thankful for all of my extended family. I was so happy that so many people could come to the wedding and share our happy day with us.
7. I am very thankful that babies Anna Hong and Rylee Barfield arrived safely and in good health. I'm so happy I get to see them grow up and be a part of their lives.
I know there are lots and lots of other things that I am very thankful for but I'm going to stop there and keep some to myself. Everybody Eat lots and lots of Turkey! (my favorite foods at Thanksgiving dinner are my Aunt's Sweet Potatoes and my Grandma's biscuits!) Talk to y'all after the holidays! It will be Christmas before you know it.